
Tokyo Games seek to reduce food waste
How to reduce food waste is being studied ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, as a huge amount of food has been thrown away during past Games.
According to a survey by Tokyo-based nonprofit organization Genki Net for Creating a Sustainable Society, the 2012 London Games produced 2,443 tons of food waste.Of this figure, 45 percent was discarded when cooking, due to actions such as peeling vegetables too deeply. Leftovers accounted for 34 percent, and 21 percent came from food that went bad while being stored.
“The London Games raised public awareness in Britain about food waste, prompting restaurant operators and other entities to form a network,” said Yuko Sakita, who chairs the NPO. “I hope the Tokyo Games will be a good opportunity for Japan to seriously tackle the issue.” Sakita also chairs a resource management working group of the organizing committee of the 2020 Games.
According to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry and other sources, there is about 6.46 miilion tons of food waste a year in Japan. This is equivalent to about 17,700 tons per day – or a bowl of rice (139-grams) per person daily – being discarded .
To reduce food loss during the Games, the organizing committee believes it is necessary, among other things, to accurately grasp the flow of athletes and other people, and provide the appropriate amount of food. It plans to utilize information and communication technology to gather data on the flow of athletes when they pass through gates at each facility, as well as understand athletes’ dietary preferences.
Meanwhile, the agriculture ministry has started researching food waste at other international sports events, such as the women’s volleyball World Championship in September and October.
Tokyo Games seek to reduce food waste
How to reduce food waste is being studied ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, as a huge amount of food has been thrown away during past Games.
According to a survey by Tokyo-based nonprofit organization Genki Net for Creating a Sustainable Society, the 2012 London Games produced 2,443 tons of food waste.
Of this figure, 45 percent was discarded when cooking, due to actions such as peeling vegetables too deeply.
Leftovers accounted for 34 percent, and 21 percent came from food that went bad while being stored.
“The London Games raised public awareness in Britain about food waste, prompting restaurant operators and other entities to form a
network,” said Yuko Sakita, who chairs the NPO.「ロンドン大会をきっかけに、イギリスでは食品廃棄物に対する意識が高まり、レストラン経営者やその他の団体の間でのネットワーク形成が促進されました。と、NPOの理事長である崎田裕子さんは言います。
“I hope the Tokyo Games will be a good opportunity for Japan to seriously tackle the issue.”
Sakita also chairs a resource management working group of the organizing committee of the 2020 Games.
According to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry and other sources, there is about 6.46 miilion tons of food waste a year in Japan.
This is equivalent to about 17,700 tons per day – or a bowl of rice (139-grams) per person daily – being discarded .
To reduce food loss during the Games, the organizing committee believes it is necessary, among other things, to accurately grasp the flow of athletes and other people, and provide the appropriate amount of food.
It plans to utilize information and communication technology to gather data on the flow of athletes when they pass through gates at each facility, as well as understand athletes’ dietary preferences.
Meanwhile, the agriculture ministry has started researching food waste at other international sports events, such as the women’s volleyball World Championship in September and October.
Of this figure このうち
discard (…を)(不要なものと)捨てる、処分する、捨てる
due to …のため、…の結果
leftover 残りの、余りの、食べ残しの
prompt 〈人・行動を〉刺激する,鼓舞する.〔+目的語+to do〕〈人を〉駆り立てて[促して]〈…〉させる.
entity 実在、存在、実在物、実体、本体、自主独立体
tackle 〈仕事・問題などと〉取り組む
equivalent (価値・数量など)同等の、同価値の、同量の、同意義の、(…と)等価値で、同等で、(…に)相当して、同価の
accurately 正確に、精密に
grasp (…を)(手で)ぎゅっとつかむ、しっかりと握る、ぎゅっとつかむ、(…を)理解する、把握(はあく)する
appropriate 当てる、充当する、専有する、私用に供する、着服する、盗む
utilize (…を)(…に)利用する、役立たせる
flow 流れ 動線
dietary 飲食(物)の、規定食の、ダイエットの、食餌療法の
among other things とか、就中
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