

【英語長文読解リスニング教材238】Trump meets with TikTok boss/トランプ氏、TikTokのトップと会談

time 2024/12/25

【英語長文読解リスニング教材238】Trump meets with TikTok boss/トランプ氏、TikTokのトップと会談

読解・リスニング練習用の本文は「News in Levels」からの引用です
The text for reading and listening practice is taken from News in Levels




News in LevelsTrump meets with TikTok boss – level 1


Trump meets with TikTok boss – level 1
The US may ban TikTok on January 19th.
he app is asking the top court to stop the ban.
In the past, President-elect Trump says that TikTok is not safe.
But now he seems to like it.
Trump meets TikTok’s CEO to talk about it.
TikTok’s owner must sell the app or face the ban.
Many people use TikTok to have fun, for work, or to share videos.
For every month of a ban, TikTok will lose 1 billion dollars.
Trump says that TikTok helps him in the last election.
So he may stop the ban. But TikTok does not have much time to change things.



Trump meets with TikTok boss – level 1

The US may ban TikTok on January 19th.

  • ban (禁止する)

The app is asking the top court to stop the ban.

  • court (裁判所)

In the past, President-elect Trump says that TikTok is not safe.

  • President-elect (大統領選出者)

But now he seems to like it.

  • seem (~のように見える)

Trump meets TikTok’s CEO to talk about it.

  • CEO (最高経営責任者)

TikTok’s owner must sell the app or face the ban.

  • owner (所有者)

Many people use TikTok to have fun, for work, or to share videos.

  • share (共有する)

For every month of a ban, TikTok will lose 1 billion dollars.

  • billion (10億)

Trump says that TikTok helps him in the last election.

  • election (選挙)

So he may stop the ban. But TikTok does not have much time to change things.

  • change (変える)



News in Levels Trump meets with TikTok boss – level 3


Trump meets with TikTok boss – level 3
A widely used social media app, TikTok, faces a potential ban in the US, set to take effect on January 19th.
However, TikTok has asked the Supreme Court to block the ban, arguing it violates free speech.
Interestingly, President-elect Trump, who previously criticized TikTok as a threat to national security, now appears to be reconsidering.
This change is attributed to his positive perception of TikTok’s role in the 2024 election results.
Trump recently met TikTok’s CEO to discuss the app’s future. TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has also been ordered to sell the app to avoid the ban. A one-month ban could cost 1 billion dollars in economic losses, impacting users, businesses, and content creators.
While TikTok seeks a quick resolution through the courts, it remains uncertain whether Trump’s administration will actively repeal the legislation or delay enforcement. Time is critical as January 20th approaches.



Trump meets with TikTok boss – level 3

A widely used social media app, TikTok, faces a potential ban in the US, set to take effect on January 19th.

  • widely (広く)
  • potential (可能性のある)
  • take effect (発効する)

However, TikTok has asked the Supreme Court to block the ban, arguing it violates free speech.

  • Supreme Court (最高裁判所)
  • block (阻止する)
  • violate (侵害する)
  • free speech (表現の自由)

Interestingly, President-elect Trump, who previously criticized TikTok as a threat to national security, now appears to be reconsidering.

  • criticize (批判する)
  • threat (脅威)
  • national security (国家安全保障)
  • reconsider (再考する)

This change is attributed to his positive perception of TikTok’s role in the 2024 election results.

  • attribute (~に起因する)
  • perception (認識)
  • election (選挙)

Trump recently met TikTok’s CEO to discuss the app’s future.

  • discuss (話し合う)
  • future (将来)

TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has also been ordered to sell the app to avoid the ban.

  • parent company (親会社)
  • avoid (避ける)

A one-month ban could cost 1 billion dollars in economic losses, impacting users, businesses, and content creators.

  • economic (経済的な)
  • impact (影響を与える)
  • content creator (コンテンツ制作者)

While TikTok seeks a quick resolution through the courts, it remains uncertain whether Trump’s administration will actively repeal the legislation or delay enforcement.

  • resolution (解決)
  • administration (政権)
  • repeal (撤廃する)
  • legislation (法律)
  • enforcement (施行)

Time is critical as January 20th approaches.

  • critical (非常に重要な)
  • approach (近づく)


  1. 1日1回以上音読するようにしましょう。
  2. スラスラ読めるようになるまで音読しましょう。
  3. 英文の意味を頭の中で逐語訳しながら音読しましょう。
  4. 全ての単語の意味が分かるようになるまで音読しましょう
  5. 「2.~4.」を達成したら次の長文音読に取り掛かりましょう。


  1. 聞き読み…英語の音声を聞きながら、スクリプトを黙読する練習です。英語を語順通りに読み下す習慣を身に着けます。
  2. オーバーラッピング…英語の音声を聞きながら、スクリプトを音読します。
  3. シャドーイング…英語の音声を聞いたら、スクリプトを見ずに真似して発音し、復唱します。リスニングと同時にスピーキングも鍛えらます。
  4. ディクテーション…音声を聞いて、一つ一つの単語を正確に書き取ります。リスニング力を高める方法の一つですが、リスニング力だけでなく、ライティング力を強化することもできます。




  • 小中一貫校の中学校受験
  • 中学生の高校受験対策
  • 高校生の大学受験対策
  • 高校生の看護学校受験対策 など






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  • 946146総閲覧数:
  • 606今日の閲覧数:
  • 742昨日の閲覧数:
  • 401今日の訪問者数:
  • 484昨日の訪問者数:
  • 2014年1月1日カウント開始日:


