読解・リスニング練習用の本文は「News in Levels」からの引用です
The text for reading and listening practice is taken from News in Levels
News in LevelsFireworks and the environment – level 1
Fireworks and the environment – level 1
In Southern California, fireworks for New Year’s Eve caused problems.
The air in Los Angeles is not safe to breathe.
Fireworks make the air dirty. They put small objects and metals in the air.
It is bad for health and for the natural world too.
Fireworks can also start fires. Some areas, like the San Gabriel Mountains, are very dry and windy.
Fires can spread quickly.
Authorities ask people not to use fireworks or anything that can make a fire.
If someone has illegal fireworks, they could get a fine or go to jail.
News in Levels
Fireworks and the environment – level 3
New Year’s Eve celebrations in Southern California brought concerns about air pollution and wildfire risks due to the widespread use of fireworks.
Air quality in Los Angeles was expected to reach unhealthy levels during the celebrations.
According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD), fireworks release large amounts of fine particle pollution and metal air pollutants, which can harm health. Additionally, fireworks increase the risk of wildfires.
The National Weather Service had issued a red flag warning for areas like the San Gabriel and Santa Monica mountains due to strong winds, dry conditions, and low humidity.
These conditions make it easier for fires to start and spread.
Authorities advised against using fireworks or other fire-starting materials, warning that individuals caught with illegal fireworks might face fines or jail time.
A no-burn order was in place to reduce pollution and fire risks.
Fireworks and the environment – level 3
(花火と環境 – レベル3)
New Year’s Eve celebrations in Southern California brought concerns about air pollution and wildfire risks due to the widespread use of fireworks.
南カリフォルニアでの大晦日の祝賀行事は、花火の広範な使用による大気汚染(pollution, 汚染)や山火事(wildfire, 山火事)の危険性への懸念をもたらしました。
- celebration (celebration, 祝賀)
- concern (concern, 懸念)
- air pollution (pollution, 汚染:大気汚染)
- wildfire (wildfire, 山火事)
- widespread (widespread, 広範囲にわたる)
Air quality in Los Angeles was expected to reach unhealthy levels during the celebrations.
ロサンゼルスの大気の質(quality, 質)は、祝賀行事の間に健康に悪影響を及ぼすレベルに達すると予測されていました。
- quality (quality, 質)
- unhealthy (unhealthy, 健康に悪い)
- celebration (celebration, 祝賀)
According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD), fireworks release large amounts of fine particle pollution and metal air pollutants, which can harm health.
南海岸大気質管理地区(AQMD, South Coast Air Quality Management District)によると、花火は大量の微粒子汚染物質(particle, 粒子)や金属の空気中汚染物質を放出し、健康を害する可能性があります。
- release (release, 放出する)
- fine particle (particle, 粒子:微粒子)
- pollutant (pollutant, 汚染物質)
- harm (harm, 害する)
Additionally, fireworks increase the risk of wildfires.
- additionally (additionally, さらに)
- risk (risk, 危険性)
The National Weather Service had issued a red flag warning for areas like the San Gabriel and Santa Monica mountains due to strong winds, dry conditions, and low humidity.
アメリカ国立気象局(National Weather Service)は、サンガブリエル山脈やサンタモニカ山脈のような地域に、強風(wind, 風)、乾燥した状況、低い湿度(humidity, 湿度)が原因で「レッドフラッグ警報」(red flag warning)を発表していました。
- issue (issue, 発表する)
- warning (warning, 警報)
- humidity (humidity, 湿度)
These conditions make it easier for fires to start and spread.
- condition (condition, 状況)
- spread (spread, 広がる)
Authorities advised against using fireworks or other fire-starting materials, warning that individuals caught with illegal fireworks might face fines or jail time.
当局(authority, 当局)は、花火や他の火を起こす可能性のある物質の使用を控えるよう勧告し、違法な花火を所持している人は罰金(fine, 罰金)や刑務所行きになる可能性があると警告しました。
- advise against (advise, 勧告する + against, ~しないように:~を控えるよう勧める)
- illegal (illegal, 違法な)
- fine (fine, 罰金)
- jail time (jail, 刑務所 + time, 時間:刑務所での時間 = 刑務所行き)
A no-burn order was in place to reduce pollution and fire risks.
- no-burn order (burn, 燃やす + order, 命令:火気使用禁止命令)
- reduce (reduce, 減らす)
- 1日1回以上音読するようにしましょう。
- スラスラ読めるようになるまで音読しましょう。
- 英文の意味を頭の中で逐語訳しながら音読しましょう。
- 全ての単語の意味が分かるようになるまで音読しましょう
- 「2.~4.」を達成したら次の長文音読に取り掛かりましょう。
- 聞き読み…英語の音声を聞きながら、スクリプトを黙読する練習です。英語を語順通りに読み下す習慣を身に着けます。
- オーバーラッピング…英語の音声を聞きながら、スクリプトを音読します。
- シャドーイング…英語の音声を聞いたら、スクリプトを見ずに真似して発音し、復唱します。リスニングと同時にスピーキングも鍛えらます。
- ディクテーション…音声を聞いて、一つ一つの単語を正確に書き取ります。リスニング力を高める方法の一つですが、リスニング力だけでなく、ライティング力を強化することもできます。
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